Friday, January 22, 2010

Another shot down…

I got my second Lupron shot today. So far I am not having any problems! I’m so happy about that. I did get a weird feeling right after the shot. It passed quickly so I’m not worried about it. I felt sort of woozy. I felt nauseated but not. I know that doesn’t make a lick of sense!

I did see a Gastroenterologist on Thursday about my enlarged gallbladder. He wasn’t too excited about it…He said that since I was fasting for the surgery that would cause the gallbladder to become enlarged. It keep producing bile even when there isn’t any food to digest. Since I’ve been having symptoms he did order an ultrasound. I’ll have that done next Thursday. He said that even if I have gall stones it doesn’t mean that I will have to have surgery. I may be able to control my symptoms with diet…which is what I’m already doing. I felt good about the visit and am feeling positive about the ultrasound. My diet changes have helped a lot already. I’ll be happy to not have to have surgery again so soon. It’s going to bankrupt us.

Now if I could loose some more weight…

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