Sunday, January 17, 2010


I didn’t post anything yesterday…By the time I got home, I was exhausted! I felt moody and asleep on my feet. I was busy at work but not THAT busy. Usually when I know I’m in a bad mood and irritated I try to watch what comes out of my mouth. I was very snappy and after dinner crashed on the couch until bed time. I thank God for my husband and son knowing when to give me space.

Today has been better. I still feel sluggish but I’m not snippy with everyone. I don’t like feeling this way at all! Hopefully it goes away soon…It’s almost like PMS but no cramping and/or bloating just short tempered. I spent a good part of my day cross stitching which is my therapy.

I did loose another 2 pounds!! 65 more to go! I think that my diet changes will continue to help with that.

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