Sunday, January 10, 2010

Today is the Lord’s day

It may be so but I’m not going outside to make my way to church! I realize that most of the ladies (or men) reading my blog deal with colder temperatures but 19F is too cold for THIS southern girl. Plus I woke up with a scratchy throat and sinus draining which I hope will go away soon.

Last night was the first time for me to have some gallbladder trouble in a while. I’m still watching what I eat though. I’m loving the teas that I bought. I have no idea if they are doing anything but they taste good. :) Maybe it’s all psychological and has no health benefits at all…

I’ve lost 3 pounds. I wish it were more but I’ll take what I can get! LOL

So far no issues with the Lupron and I think I will do another injection (monthly not the three month dose). I have not had any pain or bleeding which is a great relief to me.

Peace to all.

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