Monday, March 15, 2010

Que Sera Sera

I don't have the capability of putting the accent marks over the A's but I'm sure you get the gist of the title. :)

So far I am happy with the Lupron! I find myself pleasantly surprised that I'm having such a good experience with it. It's really encouraging for me and I'm sure for others that are thinking of trying the treatments.

I am getting over the flu. I made a trip to the ER on Wednesday morning. I've been trying to take it easy since then. While dealing with that I've had to deal with some hateful, hurtful people in my life that needed to be removed. It hurts and I've realized that there are enough people in the world who will support me and love me for me. I don't need to be judged or surrounded by hypocrites. I have enough going on.

So, As you can tell, I've had an emotionally and physically healing week! Like the song says...Que Sera Sera. :)

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