Monday, December 27, 2010


Well, I got my first shot of Lupron last Thursday. I know it will probably take a month or so before I see (or feel) anything…That’s the hard part! I am starting to notice hot flashes starting.

I seem to be on this weird cycle with my pain. I have a good day, then the next day I’m wonderfully pain free, then the next day it’s painful again, and so on…Today is one of the painful days! It’s also my anniversary so it’s supposed to be a happy day right? Ugh.

Most of the pain is concentrated in my lower back – especially on the right side. When it gets bad I have problems walking. I feel like my hips are turned around or something. Does anyone else have this happen?

I’ll share any changes as they come up. Since I haven’t been blogging in a while, I am trying to get back into the habit. Please bare with me and I hope that I don’t appear to be rambling! :)

Y’all play nice. ;)

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