One small square to do and then I’ll be done! I ordered some thread colors that I ran out of a while ago so I had some spots that I had to fill in.
I can’t wait to see how it looks framed. :) I think if I make this picture again I will change the background color to an ecru or cream color.
I’m so proud of it!
I’m now a little more than 2 months post-op. I still have some twinges every now and then at my incision sites. The pain is gone though! :)
Someone asked me if I regretted not having a hysterectomy years ago. I tried to explain to them that I try to live my life without regrets and things happen the way they do for a reason. I have had two lap surgeries when I have heard of women having so many more than me. I feel like the two times that I tried Lupron bought me time so that I could come to terms with a complete hysterectomy and make peace with that decision.
For me, it was never about having any more children. I knew I didn’t want more children as soon as the nurse laid my son on my breast.
I just didn’t feel ready to be in full menopause! It’s still funny to say that out loud.
I’m not doing any kind of HRT for now and hope to never have to start because of a history of breast cancer in my family.
I am taking something for mood swings and to help with the hot flashes…The hard part about the supplements is that I’m in the deep south and it’s so hot lately that I can’t tell if the pills are working or not!
I recently started putting my rice pack in the freezer for the really bad hot flashes. I put it under my breasts and it cools me off quicker than anything else I’ve tried.
If any of you have any ideas for home remedies please share them in the comments.
Stay tuned…
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