Wednesday, December 30, 2009

All good things end eventually

I will be returning to work tomorrow. I don't know how to feel about that...I feel ready physically. Emotionally I may have some issues and that makes me nervous. I'll have to watch my tongue. ;)

I'm not spotting anymore. I still have some lower abdominal cramping especially when I urinate. I hope that goes away soon. I first noticed it last night. Sometimes it's worse than others. Feels like everything is going to fall out. I wonder if it's muscles getting back to normal? I'll keep an eye on that.

I did have some back pain today. It was up by my shoulder blades. I don't know if that could be my gallbladder or not. I'm trying to pay more attention to what I eat so that I can stop foods that make me feel bloated. I ordered some tea today that's supposed to help cleanse my liver and gallbladder. It's called Get Clean from The Republic of Tea along with some other non-caffeine teas to try. I'm looking forward to trying them to see if they help.

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