Monday, December 28, 2009

Monday December 28, 2009

So, it’s been a week since my surgery and 4 days since I started Lupron.

I have to admit, it’s been pretty uneventful. I think the doctor did a wonderful job on not beating me up while I was on her table. ;)

I still have some spotting (which started last Wednesday) but it’s not bad. While there is slight cramping in my lower abdomen, it isn’t anything gut wrenching. I have avoided RX pain meds for 2 days now which is a good thing, I think.

I tried something different last night. Yesterday I was so happy to be able to sleep on my belly and woke up with lower back pain…Last night I tried to NOT sleep on my belly and woke up a little stiff but not in pain (Didn’t sleep that well though). Maybe it’s just that simple? I have always slept on my belly and it’ll be hard to change but if it makes my back feel better then I’ll do it.

I’m also researching gallbladder stuff. I will see my PCP after the first of the year and talk with her about some options. I already know that I’ll be changing my diet. I am from the south and we love our fried foods!

I hope that everyone else is enjoying a pain-free day. Happy Holidays.


  1. I had my second surgery (in 8 months) November 11th, and started Lurpon 2 weeks after that... We must be at about the same place!

  2. I had my surgery on Dec 21st. How are you doing on the Lupron?

  3. I'm actually doing pretty well. The first few weeks were harder, but it is getting better every day (haven't puked, or even felt like I was going to, in a few weeks!) I posted about the side effects (because of course, there are side effects!) here:

    I actually donated my eggs twice, so I had been on Lupron before (only for short intervals though). I think it helped because I knew exactly what to expect this go-round, you know? As far as I'm concerned, the side effects are well worth it if it buys me one more year.

    How are you doing?

  4. I am doing really good. I'm glad that I haven't had any bad side effects. I'm like you, as long as it buys me some time. :)
