Saturday, December 26, 2009

I was diagnosed with endometriosis in 2004 after having a diagnostic laprascopic surgery. I always hesitate to say that I have endometriosis because it's supposed to be gone. I believe in the power of the tongue and positive thinking/speaking.

I had been having extreme lower back pain and periods that seemed to last for forever (the last one was 19 days). I thought that I might have adhesions that could have formed from the surgery in 2004.

I had my second lap surgery on December 21, 2009. I woke up to the doctor telling me that I only had three small spots of endometriosis. The doctor completed a D&C to remove polyps that I had as well.

She told my husband that two of the spots were on the outside of my uterus and the other was on a pelvic ligament (don’t know which side). I did not have any adhesions at all! I think that’s wonderful news. She also told him that I need to be open to other causes for my lower back pain. Oh, and my gallbladder is enlarged!

I can keep an open mind but I’m secretly hoping that the three small spots of endo were causing my pain. So far I have no pain in my lower back…

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