Saturday, December 26, 2009

Today is Thursday December 24, 2009 – Christmas Eve

Today is the day that I got my first Lupron injection (one month only this time). S drove me to the doctor’s office where I painfully sat for about 15 minutes before the nurse told me that the medicine had been called in to a pharmacy while I was upstairs for my surgery. (What the hell?!?!) No one told me this…I have to limp back out to the car, have S drive me to the pharmacy (thankfully it is right down the road from the hospital). Now, I’ve never used this pharmacy before so they need all of my personal information and insurance card. And I have to wait, I’m sure it wasn’t all that long but it felt like forever. Want to know the bad news? The medicine costs $100.00! I think I expected it to be around $50.00. Ok, got it and we went back to the hospital so that the nurse could administer my injection.

By then, I’m emotional and hurting and feeling really abused. I think it would have made a world of difference if the doctor’s office would have called me to let me know that I would need to pick up the medicine on my way in. Now I’m out in the drizzling rain and having to get in and out of the car (not easy with two cuts in your belly). I think a part of me is scared crazy about this Lupron stuff too. I have heard the good, the bad, and the ugly and I don’t like not knowing what to expect. I realize that what affects someone else may be totally different for me.

I was totally not impressed with the injection itself. First of all, the nurse told me it would burn going in and it didn’t at all. So, if this is any kind of indication, it may not be so bad. I do feel some discomfort at the injection site but that’s completely understandable since she did stick a needle in my hip. (!)

I’ll be documenting my experiences with Lupron throughout the duration of my treatment along with my recovery from my surgery. The duration of the treatment depends on my reaction to the drug and how it affects my health and family life. This should be an interesting journey.

I am impressed with my incisions. The doctor did a wonderful job and I had very little bruising. She was gentle and my skin thanks her! Here's a photo of the belly button incision...Not taking one of the lower abdominal incision.

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