Saturday, December 26, 2009

Today is Friday December 25, 2009 – Merry Christmas!

We got up this morning to open Christmas gifts. I was impressed that I did not have any pain in my belly. After opening the gifts, I started feeling really discombobulated. I tried to explain myself to S and all I could say was that I felt like crying but not. I didn’t feel sad and I wasn’t really tired. I didn’t want to be up so I went to bed to lie down. I got up for a few minutes to eat breakfast that my wonderful husband cooked for me and then went right back to bed. I slept until 1pm. While I slept I had a weird dream that I was looking for my vehicle and couldn’t find it. I don’t know if the dreams are related to my feelings but it made me feel sort of desperate which is sort of how I felt before I went to bed (I know I didn’t say that earlier but the light bulb went off!). I guess I’ll have to keep an eye on the dreams to see if there are any more connections or if I’m just reaching.

I’m up now and while I feel a little restless, I’m not feeling the same as this morning. I’m still having no pain so that’s making me happy.

I think I’ll challenge my son to some Super Mario Brothers…

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