Friday, January 1, 2010

The first day of the year…

Ok so I had a really good day…Yes I’m bleeding and yes I’m “crampy” some…I have been in the best mood today.

First of all, I started my new eating plan (I detest diets and won’t stick to them!). At work employees are provided with a free lunch. It’s a wonderful thing but the downside is I don’t have many choices. Since I’m learning what kind of foods work best with my gallbladder, I figured I would start taking some yogurt and granola with me I also packed some dry cereal). I enjoyed my lunch and did not feel like I missed anything. Thankfully I didn’t have any pain or bloating. I did totally forget I’m lactose intolerant! I’ll be packing some Lactaid tomorrow. :)

I’m determined to become healthier this year. I want to loose 70 pounds and I have no doubt that I can do it. I know that my health will improve and the diet change will be good for my gallbladder issues.

I am having a major acne breakout and don’t know if that’s from the Lupron. I was on Yaz BC pills before and they really helped my face. So I don’t know for sure what it is.

I’m looking for another positive, fun-filled day tomorrow. :)

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