Saturday, January 2, 2010

Stupid people annoy me

I am so worn out and tired! I’m still bleeding but it’s not much. I guess that’s a good thing.

I’ve had some gallbladder aggravation and I’m getting tired of it. I feel hungry all the time and that leads to being annoyed with the stupid people.

My tolerance is so low right now between diet issues and bleeding irritations. I am forced to stop and ask myself if I removed those things would the stupid people still annoy me…Does it really matter? They annoy me now!

I’m looking forward to my days off to decompress. Monday I have a follow up appointment with my GYN. I feel as though I’m almost completely healed from the lap and some of my bitchiness is just normal me. :)

Usually I try to find the bright side…Today it’s just f-ing dark.


  1. I hope u feel better soon hun,i hope its just a bad day ur havin and 2morrow will b better.Its terrible when ur havin bad days,i sometimes lock myself away just 2 save de people around me from my outburst.
    Heres 2 a gud day 2morrow

  2. I have had a better day today. Thanx for the encouragement. :)
