Sunday, January 3, 2010

January 3, 2010

I was not annoyed by any stupid people today! I even went to Wal-Mart! LOL

My son and I went to church and for the first time in since we began going I didn’t cringe when we had to keep getting up or sitting down. I was able to enjoy the service instead of try to find a more comfortable position while I’m sitting.

We got home, had lunch, then I helped my son do some research on Robin Hood for a school essay (he researched and I cross stitched ;)). I made two pans of chicken enchiladas for dinner and the freezer (I know I may not feel like cooking soon).

I did feel tired while I was cooking. Overall I had a wonderfully pain free day. YAY! Can’t have too many of those.

As I end my post, I am smiling because there is finally a light at the end of my tunnel. Some days there might be a shadow blocking the light but it’s there nonetheless.

Peace to all of my endo sisters and may you find relief and one day a cure.

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