Monday, January 4, 2010

Post-op appointment kept

So I went to my post-op appointment and waited almost 2 hours! When I walked in all I saw were pregnant moms and figured it was going to be a while. Evidently there are a lot of babies coming this month. :)

The doctor was impressed that I healed so quickly. She showed me photos of the spots that were removed and they looked like splinters compared to my first surgery (those spots looked more like blood blisters). I'll continue the Lupron for now. I thought about trying the 3 month shot but the added dose scares me so I think I'll stick to the 1 month shot for the duration of my treatment.

I will be making an appointment with my primary care provider about my gallbladder.

Overall I have had a good day. I woke up with something like a muscle cramp behind by right shoulder blade. It feels better now and should get better in a couple of days.

Tomorrow is another day...

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