Monday, January 25, 2010

Is it too soon for spring cleaning?

I will admit that I may not be the worst housewife out there but I’m pretty close. I have no idea what got into me this morning…I’m off work on Sundays and Mondays. Monday is usually my day to home school my 10 year old (gives my husband a break since he has the rest of the week). Well, in between lessons I started laundry and it sort of catapulted from there. Next thing I know we are cleaning blinds and dusting the living room ceiling fan! I vacuumed and rearranged the bedrooms some while we were at it. I couldn’t help but be thankful I am not suffering in pain anymore. I couldn’t have done even one of those things without suffering even just a month ago…

Right now I’m enjoying a much needed break…I have chicken and salsa in my slow cooker for tacos tonight. I’ll make some rice to go with that later. Now I’m off to vacuum the inside of my car…See y’all later!


  1. I've been using my slow cooker almost everyday. I have some healthy slow cooker recipes on my blog if you're interested.

  2. Cool! Thanx. I LOVE my slow cooker.

  3. Uggg... Can you motivate me please?!?! My house could use some cleaning!

  4. LOL I think caffeine is to blame. I haven't had any in so long. I gave up coffee and black tea around the same time as my last surgery. I found some Crystal Light Energy - it's wild strawberry flavor and has caffeine in it. It's really good and one lasted almost all day! I was able to get a lot done.
