Friday, January 29, 2010

I must be having fun!

I just realized that I haven’t posted anything since Monday…They say that time flies when you’re having fun. Evidently “they” weren’t paying attention ‘cause I haven’t been having fun…

I have found myself in what I can only describe as pissed offedness. I picked a fight with my husband but didn’t have the umph to continue it and all I did was cry.

I went to work and found out that my schedule is changing and I won’t be off until next Wednesday (I’ll be working 8 days straight).

I haven’t lost anymore weight. My face is so covered in red, angry pimples that hurt. I’m so sure that that has added to my mood.

While I’ve had some issues, I’m so glad to not be in pain. So far the Lupron is helping with that. I don’t know that I can blame this last week on Lupron. It would certainly make it easier to do so.

I hope next week is better.


  1. I think it's the moon; it's supposedly as close to the earth as it ever get's right now (yes, I realize I officially sound like a hippie!) I've been quick tempered this week too, so it must be the moon (and certainly not the Lupron!)

  2. That sounds good to me! I do believe those things I just don't keep up with it. :)
