Wednesday, February 3, 2010

All I can say is WOW!!

So, I’m at home today, paying bills no less, and I got a call from my doctor’s nurse. She tells me that a drug rep for Lupron Depo (Abbot) just left after telling her about a rebate program that is available. She thought of me and had a packet waiting at the registration office for me. I was so happy!

Since I had some questions about my EOB, I decided to drive over. It turns out that through the program I can save $50.00 (US) per shot! That cuts it in half!!

I did have to wait for the financial counselor to get back from lunch to wade through my EOB. Apparently the office high-balled the doctor’s charges for my surgery and charged me too much for some other visits. I don’t know if I’ve EVER walked away from a doctor’s office and they owed me!

Now I’ve given them permission to transfer that credit to my hospital bill (same company). I realize that it’ll take a while but it should go faster than if they had to cut me a check.

I realize that no one can live completely debt-free, although I try my best. I feel so guilty at times because my husband and son have to put something that they may want, or do, on hold because I have to pay one of my bills or pick up some medicine. It’s nice to have some good come out of this.

Anyone out there on Lupron please look into this program. Your GYN should be able to get a rep or call the company direct.

Spread the love… :)

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