Tuesday, February 16, 2010


I feel guilty for even complaining since I’m not in pain and so many others are…The Lupron is working as far as I can tell. I’ll get my third shot next week.

I’m having a hard time loosing weight and my acne is causing serious self-esteem issues. I’ve mentioned this to the nurse when I went in for the last injection and she says that these things are side-effects. I can handle the weight since I am not gaining any more right now. I seem to be stuck.

My face hurts though. The pattern of the pimples is weird too. They are mostly on my cheeks, chin, and neck. I’m going to call and set up an appointment with a Dermatologist. I’m hoping they can help me find some relief. I feel so self-conscious since my job is involving customer service.

Again, these things seem so petty after the pain I have lived with for so long and what other women go through every day.

I’m just saying…


  1. its not petty leah,wudnt it be great to find medication that gets rid of the pain and has noooooooooooooo side effects :-)

    Glad to hear that the Lupron is working for you

  2. I would love that so much! I'm so happy that the Lupron is working too.

  3. Thanks for blogging! I'm about to start my own Lupron journey after having an open surgery for a left endo cyst, ovary removal. There is another small cyst on my right ovary...hence the lupron. I was debating doing it, but just like everyone I see commenting, it might buy me time. I'll be sure to follow as I get ready for mine!

  4. Hi Amy! Best of luck with your surgery and Lupron journey. I was so scared of trying it and now I'm glad I did.
