Friday, February 26, 2010

One day at a time

I know it’s been a while since I posted and I thought I would take a moment to do so now.

I received my third Lupron shot last Tuesday. Three more to go! I don’t have any specific complaints that I can blame on the Lupron. Granted I have acne, I’m fat, and keep getting pissed off at stupid people…I don’t think ALL of that is Lupron’s fault. I really hesitate to blame Lupron and/or hormones because I feel like I’m not in control. Everyone who knows me knows that I like to be in control and I believe that the mind is a powerful thing (you think it therefore it is, etc, etc.)   :)

I did see a Dermatologist for the acne and he put me on some pills and facial cream for at least 6 weeks. We’ll see. I’ve dealt with my acne for so long now that I’ll believe he’s gotten it better (I don’t even expect it to leave completely) when I see some results.

I’m absolutely discouraged about my weight. I can blame SOME of that on Lupron. I’m not gaining any weight – which is a good thing, I guess. But I’m not loosing either – which is so discouraging. I’m hoping that once I finish this round of treatments I’ll be able to drop some poundage before I have anymore problems.

I find myself getting more and more aggravated at stupidity. I expect people to use the common sense that they “hopefully” were born with. This is another thing that I don’t know that I can blame on the Lupron. My lower tolerance could be a symptom of getting older. I just don’t know. I find myself being more and more negative and I was never like this. Is it drug induced or a product of my environment? Maybe I’m just a bitch and my true self was sleeping…


  1. So Glad you're doing good on Lupron! I'm about to start...still waiting on insurance. I've had serious doubts, but seeing others have good experiences leaves me hopeful.

    Also, for the acne I've always had mild/moderate (which doesn't sound bad but is sooo frustrating when it never goes away!) I did use dermatologist (differn) before, but it was expensive and very drying. I've found the best for me is retinol. I'm using Nutrogena with acne med in it too...seems to be doing the trick! Not only does it keep clear, but it heals existing spots fast! Good luck!

  2. Good luck with your experience! I hope Lupron works just as well for you. I was very scared to try it at first but I'm glad I did now.

    I am taking prescription pills and ointment for my face. We'll see how that works. I'm already seeing less inflammation.

    Good luck to you too!
